Community AI-driven insights and industry experts are just a click away


Why businesses choose the Coupa Community

Coupa is the only platform with 10M+ suppliers, group sourcing events, peer events, and AI insights from $5 trillion of anonymized customer transactions.
  • Maximize margins faster with Coupa AI

    Get insights you can’t find anywhere else with the world's largest private enterprise data set. Identify ways to spend and work smarter with AI-driven advice.

  • Speed up supplier onboarding

    Realize savings fast with a network of 10 million+ vetted suppliers and out-of-the-box catalogs. Plus, let suppliers choose how they transact with you.

  • Connect with forward-thinking leaders

    Build connections with your peers directly on the Coupa platform and at live events. Get advice, learn how to leverage Coupa products, and grow your network.

  • Maximize margins faster with Coupa AI
  • Speed up supplier onboarding
  • Connect with forward-thinking leaders
Benchmark your company's performance with 20 community-powered KPIs

Explore Community features

Get instant recommendations

Coupa applies AI to the world’s largest customer-contributed enterprise data set of $5T+ transactions to help optimize your operations. Secure the best price by benchmarking the most frequently purchased items, reduce risk with supplier performance ratings, and flag suspicious activities automatically.

Tap into better terms with suppliers

Start working with vetted suppliers in a matter of minutes. Pre-negotiated contracts and out-of-the-box catalogs are available with premier suppliers. Drive even more value through collective bargaining. Join one of our expert-run collective sourcing events to maximize your savings and service levels.
Explore suppliers and sourcing events

Work smarter with your supplier network

Need to onboard your own suppliers? Get it done within minutes. Send your suppliers an email where they can quickly sign up for Coupa’s online Supplier Portal — no integrations required. Additional PDF capture, paper invoice conversion, and cXML options give you and your suppliers maximum flexibility.

Advance your knowledge and career

Connect with spend management professionals right from your Coupa platform. Ask questions and share insights in topic posts, explore product ideas, and get technical support all from one place. For more in-depth engagement, join our events such as user groups, webinars, and conferences.
Explore upcoming peer events